
IS YOUR RICE POISONED? As I journey down the road to recovery I have ran into many articles throughout my research.  One such article claimed that rice has the highest levels of arsenic of any other common food, substantially higher.  The levels of arsenic in rice were so much higher than other foods that the government did a study focusing only on rice. Now before you start panicking and throwing away all your rice, please read the rest of this post.  The government study has concluded that it is safe to eat rice.  The government estimates there would be 495 cases of cancer out of 1,000,000 people who consumed three servings of rice per day from birth to 50 years old.  However, there are many health professionals who disagree with this estimate and recommend anywhere from 1 serving per day to 1 serving per week. Since the government study was originally released, there has been much research on preparing rice in a way that would reduce the amount ...

Happy Water?

  IS THERE SUCH A THING AS HAPPY WATER?      Recently I was diagnosed with diabetes, high-blood pressure, and high cholesterol, otherwise known as the widow-maker.  Science has shown these three in combination will most assuredly lead to heart disease and possible heart failure, these diseases are also hard on other organs.  This recent diagnosis has lead me to live a healthier lifestyle and to an in-depth research effort for a possible cure.  In my research I came across this article:  which caught my interest.      It seems every day an article comes across my screen informing us of how our own drinking water is full of chemicals and other harmful elements.  So, it was nice to see a positive article regarding water.  In this article Dr. Emoto claims by playing certain "happy" music to water changes the structure of the water into beautiful crystals....

Welcome to Sprouting a New You!

SPROUTING A NEW YOU STORY      Hello!  My name is Brian Elias. Recently I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, high-blood pressure, and high cholesterol.  Most of my adult life I have been overweight, but this was a shock to me (although, in hindsight, I should have known I couldn't keep living like this and continue to be healthy).  Diabetes, high-blood pressure, and high cholesterol run in my family (as most families) so why was I surprised?  Was this my destiny?       So, I decided to research the three diseases, which apparently lead to heart disease.  Over the last year and a few months I have read many articles and they have seemed to consistently point me in the direction of diet.  These three diseases can be cured, Yes I said "cured" from the way we eat (unfortunately this claim does not include type 1 diabetes).      My research eventually led me to The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell, which tell...