Happy Water?


     Recently I was diagnosed with diabetes, high-blood pressure, and high cholesterol, otherwise known as the widow-maker.  Science has shown these three in combination will most assuredly lead to heart disease and possible heart failure, these diseases are also hard on other organs.  This recent diagnosis has lead me to live a healthier lifestyle and to an in-depth research effort for a possible cure.  In my research I came across this article: https://www.mynaturalhealer.com/dr-emoto-water-experiments/ which caught my interest.

     It seems every day an article comes across my screen informing us of how our own drinking water is full of chemicals and other harmful elements.  So, it was nice to see a positive article regarding water.  In this article Dr. Emoto claims by playing certain "happy" music to water changes the structure of the water into beautiful crystals.  He believes if we drink this water it will have a positive health effect in our bodies.  A company called Water & Wellness in Salt Lake City, UT has applied Dr. Emoto's finding to their water.  Yes, they actually play happy music to the water.  The author of the article, in the link above, says he drank the water.  In the first few days of drinking the water he said he felt a change for the better.

     Pseudoscience?  Hogwash?  Maybe.  I am going to start playing happy music to my water and see if I notice any differences in the way I feel.  I have read in the past similar articles regarding plants, if you play positive happy music to plants they will grow faster and overall be healthier.  In a world that seems to be filled with negativity and pessimism, violence and crime, lies and manipulation, maybe, just maybe, filling our homes with positive music and words alone will be at the core of a change I believe many of us are looking towards.

Here are links to more information on Dr. Emoto's study and Water & Wellness:
-  Dr Emoto Website - Water Findings
Water & Wellness Website


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